Lead Import

Recent Changes

  1. The method for including websites listed in a lead post has changed. "websites_attributes" has changed to "webs_attributes" and now requires a web_type_id to be associated with it. Those IDs are available here. Click here for more information on formatting a website.
  2. You can now use standard USPS 2-letter state abbreviations with the key "state_abbreviation" in place of our "state_id" codes if you wish. The system will accept either.
  3. A trustee should be entered with the key "trustee_name" rather than "trustee" or "trustee-name".
  4. The API endpoint has changed from https://[your-organization-subdomain] to https://[your-organization-subdomain] We encourage all users to sign in and use the API with their organization's subdomain. However, if you specify a subdomain in the URL that doesn't match the specified agent's subdomain (i.e.,, the post will still work.
  5. We've made changes to two important keys, with changes on the way for health history and tobacco. Use of the old key will add a warning message to your response. Please bookmark this page and check back for more updates:
    • crm_connection is now consumer
    • profile_id is now brand_id
    • birth_country has been divided into two fields: birth_country_id (an integer, located here) and birth_country_custom_name (a string, for reference)
  6. Two attributes have been consolidated into the health_info_attributes table. These are: health_history_attributes and moving_violation_history_attributes. See the Health Info table, the example with commonly used fields, and full example with all fields below.
  7. The key for marking notes as critical has changed from "critical_note" to "critical." It defaults to false. The deprecated "note_type_id" option has been removed.
  8. The key for term life insurance duration has changed from "category_id" to "duration_id."
  9. The key for stakeholder relationships has changed from "consumer.crm_stakeholder_relationships" to "consumer.cases_attributes.x.stakeholder_relationships_attributes".
  10. "opportunities_attributes" has been deprecated and removed from the documentation below.
  11. Authentication is now required for lead posting and using the Insureio quoting endpoint.


Getting Started
If you're new to Insureo's lead import, please start here. This section includes valuable information on header format and authentication.

Before You Get Started: Minimum Data Needed
Get Started: Request Header Format
Lead Assignment/Distribution

Quick Start

JSON Formatting
Sample with Associations
Minimal Example


Brand ID
Agent ID (Full Numeric ID)
Tracking Fields (lead, referrer, source)
Marketing Tags

Request Body Format (full documentation of all fields)


Commonly used fields
All fields


Success with sample response
Failure with sample response

Before You Get Started

Your lead provider's developer (or yours, if you have one) can help you set up your queries correctly using the information and examples provided on this page. The minimum amount of data you need in order to post a lead is a brand ID (formerly called profile ID), full name, and either a valid phone or email. If you like, you can also add more information about policies, quotes, and the consumer's financial history. All available tags and fields are described below, with formatting examples. If your lead aggregator collects a piece of data you want to import, simply find the matching field or tag on this page and ask your lead provider's developer to include that data.

Are you posting leads to send to our application fulfillment partners? If so, we have a page with a sample post and tips here.

To get started, you'll need the API endpoint shown below. Keep in mind the lead import API creates one consumer per request, so there can only be one "consumer" object in the request body. To import multiple consumers at once, see the instructions for importing a CSV file.

PRO TIP: Insureio uses numeric codes to represent certain pieces of data, including state, policy type (term, perm, etc.), carrier, birth country, and health class. You may want to bookmark our Data Codes page to help you as you format your requests.

Insureio also uses some specific vocabulary you'll need to be familiar with as you're formatting your queries.

  • A case (also called a pending policy) implies business that is in the later stages and has been worked on by an agent.
  • An opportunity implies quote data that has not yet been verified by an agent.
  • Tracking fields help you identify where a lead came from - they include lead type, source, referrer, ip address, and quoter url.
  • Marketing tags help you identify demographic or other useful data - they are represented as strings within an array.

Get Started: Request Header Format

Endpoint URL:


HTTP Method: Click here to learn more about HTTP Methods.


Recommended Headers:

Content-type: application/json Accept: application/json


Our lead import endpoint requires authentication. Authentication involves passing your unique Insureio user ID and API key in one of several ways. Please keep the following important points about authentication in mind:

1. Authentication is also required to use Insureio's quoting endpoint. Your quoter key is separate from your API key.

2. Authentication is not the same as lead assignment. The agent for authentication and the agent for lead assignment are separate elements and may sometimes be different people. Authentication simply gives you permission to post leads and/or retrieve a quote (depending on which key is used). It has nothing to do with the brand or agent to whom a lead is assigned. That information must be passed through with agent_id and brand_id.

  • As URL Query Parameters:

    https://[your-organization-subdomain]<USER ID>&key=<API KEY>

  • As Part of the Request Body:

    { "agent_id":"<USER ID>", "key":"<API KEY>", "consumer":{ [...] } }

  • As a Basic Auth Header (summarized in this wiki page, and formally defined in RFC 7617):

    Authorization: Basic < Encoded UserId and Key Combo >

Where to Find Your API Key

Your API key is displayed in your My Account section (at the bottom of the right-hand column, as shown in the image below). Your API key is unique to your account. It is required to verify your identity when you use the Insureio API. Treat this like a password. Do not share it with others. Only store it in locations that no one but you can access. If your computer or Insureio account become compromised, immediately reset your key and your password in your My Account section.

A screenshot of the My Account section showing the location of the API Key, in the right-hand Account column.

If you do not have an API key, please contact your Insureio representative to request one.

Lead Assignment/Distribution

By default, Insureio interprets the authenticated user (i.e., the user whose credentials you pass in your Authentication header) as the agent assigned to the lead you're submitting. However, authentication is not the same as lead assignment.

If you want a lead assigned to a different brand, person, or people (via lead distriubtion), please specify additional information as follows:

  1. If agent and brand are defined explicitly in the consumer object, then those are used.
  2. If neither are specified within the consumer object, the authenticated user and that user's default brand are inferred.
  3. If only brand and lead type are specified, then the lead will be distributed based on rules configured for that brand and lead type combo.
  4. A lack of one of those field combos will result in an error and no record creation.

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Quick Start Guides

In this section, you'll find basic guidance to get started quickly, with JSON formatting tips and a minimal example.

Jump to a section:

Quick Start - JSON Formatting
Quick Start - Sample with Associations
Quick Start - Minimal Example

All Insureio API endpoints use HTTP POST, with both request body and response body formatted in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

Quick Start - JSON Formatting

NOTE: It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you work with a developer to set up your lead posting. If that's not possible, please review and use these resources at a minimum before moving forward:

  1. Introducing JSON
  2. JSONLing: The JSON Validator

The body of your request will contain objects and arrays. Objects are simply curly braces around a set of key/value pairs. Arrays are a list of values surrounded by square brackets, used to pass multiple pieces of related information into our API. Click here to jump down the page and view a full example, including other “attributes” keys whose values must be an array. This page also contains a complete list of keys and values Insureio will accept.

Here's a quick example to get you started:

A colored diagram of a JSON request.

Quick Start - Associations

Insureio stores consumer and policy data divided across multiple tables. This structure allows a flexible number of addresses/phones/emails per consumer, a flexible number of policies per consumer, etc.

The following short examples show all possible associations without the actual fields; those are found further down the page here. You do not need to list every association in order to post.

All Associations - Storage Diagram

IMPORTANT! Please take care to avoid these frequent posting mistakes:

  1. Note the "1" or "M" prior to each association. "M" means "many," indicating the nature of the association. One-to-many associations will expect an array, and have a plural name, whereas one-to-one associations expect an object and have a singular name.
  2. Note that some association names are plural and must end in an "s." For example, family_disease is NOT the same as family_diseases and will return an error. Each association name must be represented exactly as you see it below.
A storage diagram of all associations.
All Associations
Each attribute is represented as a key and value. Each key only contains the name of the attribute. Associations are represented as key-value pairs as well. Association keys are the name of the association followed by "_attributes".
{ "consumer":{ "addresses_attributes":[], "phones_attributes":[], "emails_attributes":[], "notes_attributes":[], "tags_attributes":[], "health_info_attributes":{ "relatives_diseases":{} }, "financial_info_attributes":{}, "cases_attributes":[ { "commission_splits_attributes":[], "quoting_details_attributes":[], "stakeholder_relationships_attributes":[ { "stakeholder_attributes":{} } ], "notes_attributes":[] } ] } }

Quick Start - Minimal Example

Nested Request Body
{ "consumer":{ "brand_id":5, "full_name":"Brad Pitt", "feet":5, "inches":11, "weight":150, "tobacco":false, "addresses_attributes":[ {"street":"123 Some Street Apt. 8","city":"Hollywood","state_id":5,"zip":"99999"} ], "emails_attributes":[ {"value":""} ] } }

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Tracking: ID Numbers, Tracking, and Tagging

In this section, you'll find detailed explanations for fields that will help you distribute and track leads.

Jump to a section:

Brand ID
Agent ID (Full Numeric ID)
Tracking Fields: Lead Type, Referrer, Source
Marketing Tags

Brand ID

REMINDER: This is one of the three minimum pieces of data you need in order to post a lead (along with a full name, and either a valid phone or email).

The brand ID is the unique ID assigned to the brand to which you want to post the lead. The brand ID will trigger things like the lead's initial status, the logo applied to email templates sent to this lead, the data pulled into that email template, etc.

To find a brand's ID, look in your My Account / Branding Profiles tab. Each brand has an ID number listed as shown here:How to Find Your Brand ID

Agent ID (Full Numeric ID)

You may also want to post leads to your direct account (i.e., assign them to you as an agent) in addition to assigning them to your brand. Alternatively, you can post them to a team member's agent ID to assign leads to them. Keep in mind that including an agent ID will override any lead distribution set up for your brand - all leads containing an agent ID will be posted to that agent.

The system user assigned via agent ID (consumer.agent_id) functions as the relationship manager. There are two additional agent roles that can be assigned within Insureio. You can also assign an agent to a particular case using "consumer.case1.agent_id". If there is no assigned agent explicitly indicated for a case, it inherits the agent (relationship manager) from the consumer record. You can also assign a separate agent of record for a case using "consumer.case1.agent_id". If there is no agent of record explicitly indicated for a case, it inherits the case's assigned agent. For full control, you may include all 3 key/value pairs.

To find your agent ID, look in your My Account / Personal section. In the Account column on the right, you'll see an ID. Hover your mouse over the "i" icon. Your agent ID (full numeric ID) will appear, as shown below. Note that your full numeric ID may not be the same as the ID listed in your personal profile. How to Find Your Agent ID

To find a team member's agent ID, go to the Agency Management / User Hierarchy section of Insureio. Find your agent's name, then hover your mouse over the link icon to the right of their name. At the bottom of your screen, you'll see the text of a URL (https: // pinney.dataraptor/usage/users/XXX/personal... ). The number you see in the XXX slot is that team member's agent ID, as shown below: How to Find a Team Member's Agent ID

Tracking Fields

There are 3 primary tracking fields set directly on the consumer record: lead type, source, referrer. They allow for a single entry each. They are the most common form of tracking in Insureio relative to leads and lead posting. That's how we recommend using them, but it's not required. You can handle additional fields using tags, which allow for an unlimited number of additional tagging details to be added to a consumer record.

1. Lead Type

Represented by the field title "lead_type," this tracking field is typically used to aid in lead distribution (which is based on lead_type). It is required for distributing leads according to the weights you set up in the Agency Management section. It is often associated with the name of a specific marketing campaign run as part of a brand's marketing efforts. For example, the brand Connected Benefits may be running a special campaign to new group members using the lead_type “CB New” to aid in lead distribution to agents specifically versed in a special offer. They can also use the lead_type “CB New” to provide additional/specific reporting details on this subset of the larger Connected Benefits marketing efforts.

NOTE: If you are a single-person operation, you don't necessarily need to use this field, since all leads are going to post directly to you and bypass any distribution rules.

2. Referrer

This is a good tracking field to include for reporting purposes. It can tell you where the lead came from in a general sense. It's typically used to identify a specific marketing piece/advertisement, person, or similar lead generation method associated with a specific marketing endeavor. For example, a brand named Connected Benefits may have managers who refer new group members; these referrals would then be posted to their “CB New” lead_type so Connected Benefits can track and reward these managers for their efforts. Alternatively, you can use this tracking field to indicate a medium, such as the internet. For example, your referrer might be "internetlead," which is the broad category of where this lead came from. To make this more specific, you could pair it with a source tracking field such as "MyInsuranceSite1." Click here to jump down to a more detailed explanation of the source tracking field below.

3. Source

This is also a good field to include for reporting purposes. It can give you more granular detail about where your lead came from. It's typically used to identify the specific URL/link used to generate the lead/consumer contact record. When used in combination with other tools like Google Analytics, the "source" tracking field aids in tracking conversion metrics (lead received to placed, received to submitted, etc.) on a per-URL/page basis. For example, our fictional brand Connected Benefits may have several landing/information pages (i.e.,,, etc.), each with a unique URL. The brand wants to track these to find out which is the most effective in converting visitors to leads, submitted applications, paid policies, etc. In this example, their general "referrer" tracking field might be "website." Their more specific "source" tracking field might be "" or ""

Tags: For Tracking and Marketing

Tags can help you sort consumers based on particular attributes, demographics, or needs. This is especially helpful for planning future marketing campaigns. You can use as many tags as you like per record. They can be attached to each lead by specifying tags in your consumer.tags_attributes array. Tags are joined together in a query string as shown below, by using an ampersand between the tags.

For example, let's say Connected Benefits decides to ask several questions as part of the lead acquisition process that identifies specific demographic data. They could then tag leads to identify group members who participate in piloting an aircraft (tag of “avocation-pilot”), scuba diving (tag of “avocation-scuba”), or those with a specific health issue like diabetes (tag of “health-diabetes”) to use as part of a separate risk mitigation or wellness program.

PRO TIP: We recommend adding tags to consumer records before bringing in a book of business. As soon as that book is imported into Insureio, you can start sorting and putting those consumers into marketing campaigns. The more tags you give a consumer, the easier it will be to market and cross-sell to them. For more information, see "Formatting Tags" below.

Formatting Tags

A well-formatted tag object has the following fields:

  • key: string
  • value: string (optional)

For example, if I have a lead I want to tag with a lead type of "referral" and referrer of "Paul" and "over 50 years of age," I would supply the following array:

[ "referral from Paul", "over 50 years of age" ]

Be advised that in order to avoid duplication, all tag keys are normalized, so the following key values would all become the same key in Insureio: "Lead type," "lead type," "lead type."

In addition to the normal lead posting process, many of the items discussed above can be captured/inserted via the page URL string of the quote widgets themselves. Click here for specific information to set this up.

Multi-Level Tracking

 If you like to think of your tracking as a collection of tags, that's great. You don't need to do anything special to preserve your paradigm. Feel free to skip the rest of this section.

If you like to think of your tracking as "tiered" or "multi-leveled," you can preserve the data from all of those tiers/levels, but there is no hierarchy of tracking data in Insureio. However, when pulling reports, you can achieve mimicry of hierarchical tracking fields if you specify not only the field in which you are interested, but all superordinate tracking fields.

To illustrate, if you have a tracking hierarchy where "lead type" is a top-level field and "referrer" is a level-2 field (i.e., subordinate to lead type), and you simply run a report on all consumers whose referrer is "Google," Insureio will return all consumers whose referrer is Google, regardless of what their lead type is or whether they even have a lead type. If you wish to enforce your hierarchy when you run reports, you must specify the superordinate tracking fields as well. In our illustration, this means that I must indicate on the reporting form that lead type is not null (or is set as whatever lead type I have in mind) in addition to specifying a referrer of "Google."

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Request Body Format

Below, you will find the technical documentation your developer or IT team will need to configure your lead import correctly.

Only need to see the examples? Click here for an example with commonly used fields, and click here for an example showing all fields.

Jump to a section:

Automated Lead Distribution
Multi-Level Tracking
Multiple Policies Per Consumer
Policy Details
Stakeholder Relationships
Financial Info
Health Info
Relatives Disease



The main object for the lead import JSON document is the consumer, represented by key "consumer". A well formed "consumer" includes the following fields. All fields and nested objects are optional and may be omitted, with the exclusion of "brand_id", "full_name", and either a valid phone or email. Should you choose to add a given object (like a phone), that object type may have its own required fields.

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
addresses_attributes array Should hold one or more address objects. See address for duplicate record detection, and for application fulfillment
agent_id integer the numeric id of an agent in order to assign to a specific agent
case1.agent_id integer the numeric id of an agent in order to assign a case to a specific agent (as opposed to assigning the consumer using agent_id)
In the absence of an agent, lead distribution logic will be used.
brand_id integer see brand ID Always
lead_type string for lead distribution
Like tags, this field can mean whatever your organization designates it to mean for the sake of lead tracking. Searching by lead type is faster than searching by tags. Any member of your brand may see your Lead Types.
referrer string
Like tags, this field can mean whatever your organization designates it to mean for the sake of lead tracking. Searching by lead type is faster than searching by tags. Any member of your brand may see your Referrers.
source string
Like tags, this field can mean whatever your organization designates it to mean for the sake of lead tracking. Searching by lead type is faster than searching by tags. Any member of your brand may see your Sources.
birth_or_trust_date string date (YYYY-MM-DD). see ISO 8601 for duplicate record detection, and for application fulfillment
birth_country_id integer see Birth Country ID codes Always
birth_country_custom_name string
Mostly for reference.
birth_state_id integer see Birth State ID codes
Only applicable if birth country is United States.
cases_attributes array Should hold one or more case objects. See policies
citizenship_id integer see Citizenship codes
company string
gov_id string a valid driver's license number, state-issued ID number, passport number, permanent-resident number, green-card number
gov_id_state_id string see id in State codes
gov_id_type_id integer see id in Government-ID type codes
emails_attributes array Should hold one or more email objects. See email
financial_info_attributes object See financial info for quoting and for application fulfillment
full_name string Space separated. Characters before the first space will be considered the first name. Characters after the last space will be considered the last name. Always
gender string "Male" or "Female" for duplicate record detection, for quoting, and for application fulfillment
Is a shorter equivalent to passing gender within the health info object. Is stored and returned in the response as a boolean. The string representation when setting the field is for clarity.
health_info_attributes object See health info for duplicate record detection, for quoting, and for application fulfillment
notes_attributes array Should hold one or more note objects. See notes
occupation string
phones_attributes array Should hold one or more phone objects. See phone
preferred_contact_method_id integer see Contact Method codes for application fulfillment
preferred_contact_time string for application fulfillment
ssn string representation of Social Security number, consisting only of numeric digits for duplicate record detection and for application fulfillment
tags_attributes array Should hold one or more tag objects. See tagging
title string
trustee_name string
Only relevant if the consumer record being created is a Company or Trust.
webs_attributes array Should hold one or more website objects. See website


An array of notes can be embedded in the Consumer or Case model (or both). A well-formed note object has the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
confidential boolean false
If true, only the creator or a system super user should be able to view this note. If you are working with our application fulfillment partners (or call center agents in your hierarchy using lead distribution), set this flag to false if you want them to see the note.
critical boolean false
text string Always
Notes are not searchable via reporting. Fore short, freeform comments that you may want to search by later, use tags instead.


A well-formed policy has the following properties:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
agent_id integer the numeric id of an agent inherited from consumer in order to assign to a specific agent
commission_splits_attributes array Should hold zero or more commission-split objects. See commission split in order to override agents of record which might be otherwise pre-set according to brand, lead-type, and source
In the absence of specificied commission splits, agents of record and their splits will be determined by presets at the Brand level. Presets may be configured based on brand, lead-type, and source. If no commission splits are specified and no Brand pre-set exists which matches the lead-type and source of a lead, it will assume that the agent (solicitor) is an agent of record with 100% of the commission.
bind boolean null Required for app fulfillment
This is referred to on the front end and in error messages as temporary insurance.
business_insurance boolean
DEPRECATED. Will soon be removed as an option. Instead, specify "purpose_id". If the purpose for insurance is business related, then this case will be treated as business insurance.
purpose_id integer See id in Purpose codes
duration_id integer See id in Term Life Insurance (TLI) Duration Options
collateral_assignment boolean
cross_sell boolean
effective_date string date (YYYY-MM-DD). see ISO 8601
esign boolean
exam_company string
exam_completed boolean
exam_num string
exam_status string
exam_time string datetime. see ISO 8601
ezl_id integer
face_amount integer
is_a_preexisting_policy boolean
ipo boolean
notes_attributes array Should hold one or more note objects. See notes
owner_id integer
packet boolean
placed boolean
policy_number string
policy_period_expiration string date (YYYY-MM-DD). see ISO 8601
policy_type_name string
product_type_id integer see Product Type codes
product_type_name string
purpose_id integer see Purpose codes
purpose_type_id integer see Purpose codes
quoting_details_attributes array Should hold a list of one or more policy details objects. See policy details Always
Insureio allows one details record per sales stage, in order to document and report on any changes that are made through the sales process. See Sales Stage codes.
replaced_by_id integer
replacing boolean
sent boolean
sent_to_igo string date (YYYY-MM-DD). see ISO 8601
sales_stage_id integer See Sales Stage codes. 1
status_type_id integer
termination_date string date (YYYY-MM-DD). see ISO 8601
underwriter_assist boolean
up_sell integer
xrae_case_id string

Multiple Policies per Consumer

When submitting a lead to Insureio, any number of policies (cases) can be supplied in the submission. These are represented as objects in the array:


Policy Details

A well-formed policy detail attribute set has the following properties:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
carrier_id integer see id on Carrier Names page
carrier_health_class string (differs for each carrier)
duration_id integer see Term Life Insurance (TLI) Duration Options
category_name string see name in Tli Category Option codes
DEPRECATED. May soon be removed as an option. Instead, specify a "duration_id".
plan_name string Plan name as defined by the carrier that offers the plan.
face_amount integer
health_class_id integer see TLI Health Class Option codes
This is the standardized health class initially selected when running the quote. If health impairments disqualified the consumer from this class, then it may not correspond directly with the carrier health class.
planned_modal_premium decimal
Setting "planned_modal_premium" and "premium_mode_id" is equivalent to setting a monthly or annual premium. It is the preferred approach.
policy_type_id integer see Product Type codes
premium_mode_id string see Quoting: Premium Mode Option codes


A well-formatted address object has the following properties:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
address_type_id integer see Address Type codes
city string
state_id OR state_abbreviation integer For state_id: see State ID codes
For state_abbreviation: use standard USPS 2-letter abbreviations as listed here
street string may contain multiple lines
zip string 5 digits


A well-formatted email object has the following properties:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
value string see RFC 2606 Always


A well-formatted phone object has the following properties:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
ext string Freeform. Can be numeric extension or a phrase like "ask for Mr. Monroe in the Sales Department".
phone_type_id integer see Phone Type ID codes
value string Any non-numeric characters will be automatically stripped. Should be 10 digits in length, starting with a valid area code. Always


A well-formatted website object has the following properties:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
value string Always
web_type_id integer Always Note: See website type data codes here.

Commission Splits

Optionally define all agents of record and their percentage of the commision.

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
user_id integer the id of an existing user record representing an agent of record always
percentage float the percentage of the commission awarded to this agent of record always

Stakeholder Relationships

A beneficiary, owner, and/or premium payer should each be represented as an object in the array at:


In other words, if you have multiple stakeholders, you need to replicate the entire "attributes.x.stakeholder_relationships_attributes" and related nestings (phone, email, etc.) for each party. For example, if you have one primary beneficiary and one contingent beneficiary, you would have two "attributes.x.stakeholder_relationships_attributes" with related data. For the contingent beneficiary, the "contingent" value should be set to "true."

The beneficiary percentage must equal 100 regardless of the number of beneficiaries. If you have primary and contingent beneficiaries, the percentage values for each type must equal 100.

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
stakeholder_id integer the id of an existing consumer record unless "stakeholder_attributes" is provided
Provide either an id for an existing consumer record or attributes for a new record, not both.
stakeholder_attributes object See Consumer Fields unless "stakeholder_id" is provided
Provide either an id for an existing consumer record or attributes for a new record, not both.
relationship_type_id integer see Relationship Type codes Always
is_owner boolean false unless "is_payer" or "is_beneficiary" is true
Only required if the stakeholder will own the policy; otherwise, the consumer/insured is the default owner. A stakeholder can be any combination of owner, payer, or a beneficiary, but they must fill at least one of those roles. You can only have one owner regardless of the # of beneficiaries.
is_payer boolean false unless "is_owner" or "is_beneficiary" is true
Only required if the stakeholder will pay for the policy; otherwise, the consumer/insured is the default payer. A stakeholder can be any combination of owner, payer, or a beneficiary, but they must fill at least one of those roles. You can only have one payer regardless of the # of beneficiaries.
is_beneficiary boolean false unless "is_owner" or "is_payer" is true
A stakeholder can be any combination of owner, payer, or a beneficiary, but they must fill at least one of those roles. A payer or owner does NOT need to be a beneficiary.
percentage integer in the range 1 to 100 inclusive if "is_beneficiary" is true
The total percentages for all primary beneficiaries must equal 100. If there are contingent beneficiaries, the total percentages for all contingent beneficiaries must equal 100.
contingent boolean false
Set this to "true" to indicate there is a contingent beneficiary.

If you are NOT specifying a stakeholder_id (i.e., the stakeholder is not an existing consumer in Insureio, which is the most common usage), the object(s) in the attributes.x.stakeholder_relationships_attributes list should each have an attributes object, with name, emails, phones for the stakeholder. Stakeholders are stored as consumers, so this object can have any of the keys that a consumer could have.

Stakeholder Attributes Requirements

  • If the stakeholder is a trust or business, trustee_name is required. This field should contain a string that will display as the business name in the system.
  • If the stakeholder will pay for the policy or be the owner, emails_attributes and phones_attributes are both required.

Here’s an example of what this section should look like:

"attributes.x.stakeholder_relationships_attributes": [
            "relationship_type_id": 1,
            "percentage": 29,
            "contingent": true,
              "full_name": "Sarah Conner",
              "birth_or_trust_date": "2013-07-23",
              “title”: “The title goes here”,
  "trustee_name": "A relative",
  "ssn": "1234566789",
              "gender": false,
              "addresses_attributes": [
                  "address_type_id": 1,
                  "city": "Dallas",
                  "state_id": 45,
                  "street": "1234 Parkview Drive",
                  "zip": "75201"

Financial Info

Financial info is represented as an object at:


A well-formed financial info object has the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
annual_income decimal
asset_checking integer
asset_earned_income integer (excludes dividends from investments, etc.)
asset_home_equity integer
asset_investments integer
asset_life_insurance integer
asset_pension integer
asset_real_estate integer
asset_retirement integer (pension, IRA, etc.)
asset_savings integer
asset_unearned_income integer (income from dividends etc.)
assets decimal Total assets; you are free to make this not coincide with the sum of the other assets fields if you wish.
assumed_inflation_rate float
bankruptcy string date (YYYY-MM-DD). see ISO 8601
bankruptcy_discharged string date (YYYY-MM-DD). see ISO 8601
liability_auto integer
liability_credit integer
liability_education integer
liability_final_expense integer
liability_heloc integer (home equity loan)
liability_mortgage_1 integer
liability_mortgage_2 integer
liability_other integer
liability_personal_loans integer
liability_student_loans integer
liability_years_income_needed integer
liabilities decimal (total liabilities; you are free to make this not coincide with the sum of the other liabilities fields if you wish)
net_worth_specified integer
net_worth_use_specified boolean
spouse_income integer (annual income)
spouse_marginal_tax_rate float
spouse_retirement date

Health Info

Health info is represented as an object at: consumer.health_info. A well-formatted health info object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
inches integer (for quoting)
feet integer (for quoting)
weight integer (for quoting)
alcohol_abuse object See Alcohol Abuse
anxiety object See Anxiety
arthritis object See Arthritis
asthma object See Asthma
atrial_fibrillation object See Atrial Fibrillation
breast_cancer object See Breast Cancer
basal_cell_carcinoma object See Basal Cell Carcinoma
cardiovascular_disease object See Cardiovascular Disease
cardiovascular_impairments object See Cardiovascular Impairments
cerebrovascular_disease object See Cerebrovascular Disease
colon_cancer object See Colon Cancer
copd object See COPD
coronary_artery_disease object See Coronary Artery Disease
crohns object See Crohn's Disease
depression object See Depression
diabetes_1 object See Type I Diabetes (Juvenile)
diabetes_2 object See Type II Diabetes
drug_abuse object See Drug Use
epilepsy object See Epilepsy
elevated_liver_function object See Elevated Liver Function
emphysema object See Emphysema
heart_attack object See Heart Attack
heart_murmur object See Heart Murmur
hepatitis_c object See Hepatitis C
intestinal_cancer object See Intestinal Cancer
irregular_heartbeat object See Irregular Heartbeat
kidney_disease object See Kidney Disease
malignant_melanoma object See Malignant Melanoma
mental_illness object See Mental Illness
multiple_sclerosis object See Multiple Sclerosis
other_heart_condition object See Other Heart Condition
other_internal_cancer object See Other Internal Cancer
other_skin_cancer object See Other Skin Cancer
ovarian_cancer object See Ovarian Cancer
parkinsons object See Parkinsons
prostate_cancer object See Prostate Cancer
sleep_apnea object See Sleep Apnea
stroke object See Stroke
ulcerative_colitis_iletis object See Ulcerative Colitis Iletis
vascular_disease object See Vascular Disease
weight_reduction object See Weight Reduction
alzheimers_disease object See Alzheimer's Disease
aneurysm object See Aneurysm
brain_surgery object See Brain Surgery
brain_tumor object See Brain Tumor
cardiomyopathy object See Cardiomyopathy
chronic_bronchitis object See Chronic Bronchitis
chronic_glomerulonephritis object See Chronic Glomerulonephritis
chronic_kidney_disease object See Chronic Kidney Disease
circulatory_surgery object See Circulatory Surgery
cirrhosis object See Cirrhosis
coma object See Coma
congestive_heart_failure object See Congestive Heart Failure
cystic_fibrosis object See Cystic Fibrosis
defibrillator_req object See Defibrillator Req
dementia object See Dementia
dialysis object See Dialysis
end_stage_liver_disease object See End Stage Liver Disease
heart_surgery object See Heart Surgery
hiv object See Hiv
huntingtons_disease object See Huntington's Disease
ketoacidosis object See Ketoacidosis
kidney_failure object See Kidney Failure
lou_gehrigs_disease object See Lou Gehrig's Disease
lupus object See Lupus
leukemia object See Leukemia
lymphoma object See Lymphoma
muscular_dystrophy object See Muscular Dystrophy
myeloma object See Myeloma
o2_assist object See O2 Assist
other_kidney_disease object See Other Kidney Disease
other_liver_disease object See Other Liver Disease
polycystic_kidney_disease object See Polycystic Kidney Disease
schizophrenia object See Schizophrenia
sickle_cell_anemia object See Sickle Cell Anemia
terminal_condition object See Terminal Condition
transient_ischemic_attack object See Transient Ischemic Attack
bp object See Blood Pressure
cholesterol object See Cholesterol
crimes array Should hold one or more Crime objects. See Crime.
moving_violations array Should hold one or more Moving Violation objects. See Moving Violation.
hazardous_avocation object See Hazardous Avocation
foreign_travel object See Foreign Travel
tobacco object See Tobacco

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Abuse is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.alcohol_abuse. A well-formatted alcohol abuse object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
currently_consuming boolean
last_consumed_date date
ever_relapse boolean
last_relapse_date date
detail string


Anxiety is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.anxiety. A well-formatted anxiety object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
ever_hospitalized boolean
last_hospitalized_date date
episodes_year integer
medication_count integer
outpatient_care boolean
inpatient_care boolean
work_absence boolean
absence_count integer
ever_suicide_attempt boolean
last_suicide_attempt_date date
detail string


Arthritis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.arthritis. A well-formatted arthritis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
ever_suppressants boolean
current_suppressants boolean
ever_prednisone boolean
current_prednisone boolean
ever_immunosuppressants boolean
currently_immunosuppressants boolean
good_treatment_response boolean
complications boolean
ever_surgery date
disabled boolean
detail string


Asthma is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.asthma. A well-formatted asthma object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
inhaled_bronchodilators boolean
inhaled_corticosteroids boolean
oral_medication_no_steroids boolean
oral_medication_steroids boolean
rescue_inhaler boolean
ever_hospitalized boolean
hospitalized_count_past_year integer
hospitalized_count integer
last_hospitalized_date date
episodes_year integer
work_absence boolean
absence_count integer
fev1 float Note
Allowed values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
ever_life_threatening boolean
last_life_threatening_date date
is_treatment_compliant boolean
detail string

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.atrial_fibrillation. A well-formatted atrial fibrillation object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
last_episode_date date
episode_length integer
self_resolve boolean
ever_cardiac_eval boolean
cardiac_eval_date date
cardiac_eval_result boolean
heart_disease boolean
shortness_of_breath boolean
current_medications boolean
ablation_procedure boolean
ablation_date date
ablation_result boolean
is_controlled boolean
fibrillation_type string
detail string

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.breast_cancer. A well-formatted breast cancer object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
cancer_grade integer
cancer_stage integer
condition_degree string
node_count integer
metastatis boolean
tumorsize integer
reoccurrence boolean
last_mammogram_date date
ductal_carcinoma boolean
diagnosed_dcis boolean
dcis_removed boolean
number_of_lesions integer
lesion_size integer
comedonecrosis boolean
lobular_carcinoma boolean
diagnosed_lcis boolean
lumpectomy boolean
mastectomy boolean
single_mastectomy boolean
double_mastectomy boolean
negative_sentinel_lymph_exam boolean
endocrine_therapy boolean
endocrine_treated boolean
radiation_treatment boolean
detail string

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.basal_cell_carcinoma. A well-formatted basal cell carcinoma object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.cardiovascular_disease. A well-formatted cardiovascular disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Cardiovascular Impairments

Cardiovascular Impairments is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.cardiovascular_impairments. A well-formatted cardiovascular impairments object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Cerebrovascular Disease

Cerebrovascular Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.cerebrovascular_disease. A well-formatted cerebrovascular disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.colon_cancer. A well-formatted colon cancer object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string


COPD is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.copd. A well-formatted copd object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
fev1 integer
has_symptoms boolean
copd_severity string
detail string

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.coronary_artery_disease. A well-formatted coronary artery disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.crohns. A well-formatted crohn's disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
stabilization_date date
last_attack_date date
ever_steroid boolean
currently_steroids boolean
steroid_stop_date date
ever_immuno_suppressants boolean
current_immuno_suppressants boolean
immunosuppressants_stop_date date
limited_to_colon boolean
complications boolean
surgery boolean
surgery_date date
weight_stable boolean
detail string


Depression is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.depression. A well-formatted depression object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
ever_hospitalized boolean
last_hospitalized date
medication_count integer
in_psychotherapy boolean
responding_well boolean
treatment_completed boolean
work_absence boolean
absence_count integer
ever_suicide_attempt boolean
last_suicide_attempt_date date
detail string

Type I Diabetes (Juvenile)

Type I Diabetes (Juvenile) is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.diabetes_1. A well-formatted type i diabetes (juvenile) object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
last_a1_c float
average_a1_c float
complications boolean
hospitalization date
is_gestational boolean
insulin_units integer
type string
detail string

Type II Diabetes

Type II Diabetes is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.diabetes_2. A well-formatted type ii diabetes object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
last_a1_c float
average_a1_c float
complications boolean
hospitalization date
is_gestational boolean
insulin_units integer
type string
detail string

Drug Use

Drug Use is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.drug_abuse. A well-formatted drug use object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
currently_using boolean
last_used_date date
ever_relapse boolean
last_relapse_date date
ever_convicted boolean
detail string


Epilepsy is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.epilepsy. A well-formatted epilepsy object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
controlled_seizures boolean
ever_medication boolean
ever_surgery boolean
surgery_date date
neurological_evaluation boolean
neurological_normal boolean
caused_by_other boolean
last_seizure_date date
seizures_per_year integer
thirty_minute_plus integer
seizure_type string
detail string

Elevated Liver Function

Elevated Liver Function is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.elevated_liver_function. A well-formatted elevated liver function object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
alt integer
ast integer
ggtp integer
is_stable boolean
is_hepatitis_negative boolean
is_cdt_negative boolean
detail string


Emphysema is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.emphysema. A well-formatted emphysema object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Heart Attack

Heart Attack is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.heart_attack. A well-formatted heart attack object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Heart Murmur

Heart Murmur is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.heart_murmur. A well-formatted heart murmur object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
ever_echocardiogram boolean
valve_structures_normal boolean
heart_enlargement boolean
symptomatic boolean
progression boolean
valve_surgery boolean
detail string

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.hepatitis_c. A well-formatted hepatitis c object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
contraction_date date
normal_viral_loads boolean
normal_viral_date date
normal_liver_functions boolean
normal_liver_date date
treatment_start_date date
liver_cirrhosis boolean
liver_biopsy boolean
complications boolean
detail string

Intestinal Cancer

Intestinal Cancer is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.intestinal_cancer. A well-formatted intestinal cancer object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string

Irregular Heartbeat

Irregular Heartbeat is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.irregular_heartbeat. A well-formatted irregular heartbeat object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
underlying_heart_disease boolean
current_symptoms boolean
current_medications boolean
medication_count integer
atrioventricular_block boolean
second_degree_av_block boolean
mobitz_type_1_block integer
mobitz_type_2_block integer
third_degree_av_block_atr_disassociation boolean
born_with_third_degree_av_block boolean
pacemaker_implanted boolean
pacemaker_implant_date date
attrioventricular_junctional_rhythm boolean
paroxysmal_super_tachycardia boolean
cardiac_evaluations boolean
cardiac_eval_result_normal boolean
last_experience_symptoms date
symptoms_per_year integer
premature_atrial_complexes boolean
history_of_cardiovascular_disease boolean
premature_ventricular_contraction boolean
simple_pvc boolean
complex_pvc boolean
require_treatment_for_pvc boolean
sick_sinus_syndrome boolean
pacemaker_for_sick_sinus_syndrome boolean
pacemaker_for_sick_sinus_syndrome_implant_date date
history_of_fainting boolean
sinus_bradycardia boolean
pulse_rate integer
sinus_bradycardia_caused_by_another_condition boolean
sinus_bradycardia_caused_by_medication boolean
sinus_bradycardia_cause_unknown boolean
wandering_pacemaker boolean
cardiac_eval_for_wandering_pacemaker boolean
idoventricular_rhythm boolean
detail string

Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.kidney_disease. A well-formatted kidney disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Malignant Melanoma

Malignant Melanoma is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.malignant_melanoma. A well-formatted malignant melanoma object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string

Mental Illness

Mental Illness is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.mental_illness. A well-formatted mental illness object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.multiple_sclerosis. A well-formatted multiple sclerosis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
attacks_per_year integer
last_attack_date date
condition_type string
detail string

Other Heart Condition

Other Heart Condition is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.other_heart_condition. A well-formatted other heart condition object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Other Internal Cancer

Other Internal Cancer is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.other_internal_cancer. A well-formatted other internal cancer object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string

Other Skin Cancer

Other Skin Cancer is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.other_skin_cancer. A well-formatted other skin cancer object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.ovarian_cancer. A well-formatted ovarian cancer object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string


Parkinsons is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.parkinsons. A well-formatted parkinsons object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
age_at_diagnosis integer
condition_degree string
live_independently boolean
condition_stable boolean
stable_date date
currently_disabled boolean
disabled_severity string
currently_receive_treatment boolean
rigidity boolean
rigidity_severity string
walking_impairment boolean
walking_impairment_severity string
mental_deterioration boolean
affect_fingers_only boolean
affect_hands_only boolean
affect_multiple_areas boolean
detail string

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.prostate_cancer. A well-formatted prostate cancer object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
cancer_stage integer
prostatectomy boolean
prostatectomy_date date
radiation boolean
radiation_currently boolean
watchful_waiting boolean
gleason_score integer
pre_psa float
post_psa float
metastasis boolean
reoccurrence boolean
detail string

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.sleep_apnea. A well-formatted sleep apnea object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
treatment_start_date date
use_cpap boolean
cpap_machine_complaint boolean
rd_index integer
apnea_index integer
ah_index integer
o2_saturation integer
sleep_study boolean
sleep_study_followup boolean
on_oxygen boolean
currently_sleep_apnea boolean
detail string


Stroke is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.stroke. A well-formatted stroke object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
condition_degree string
last_stroke_date date
multiple_strokes boolean
detail string

Ulcerative Colitis Iletis

Ulcerative Colitis Iletis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.ulcerative_colitis_iletis. A well-formatted ulcerative colitis iletis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Vascular Disease

Vascular Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.vascular_disease. A well-formatted vascular disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Weight Reduction

Weight Reduction is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.weight_reduction. A well-formatted weight reduction object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
procedure_date date
prior_weight integer
current_weight_date date
any_complications boolean
procedure_type string
detail string

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.alzheimers_disease. A well-formatted alzheimer's disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Aneurysm is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.aneurysm. A well-formatted aneurysm object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Brain Surgery

Brain Surgery is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.brain_surgery. A well-formatted brain surgery object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Brain Tumor

Brain Tumor is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.brain_tumor. A well-formatted brain tumor object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Cardiomyopathy is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.cardiomyopathy. A well-formatted cardiomyopathy object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic Bronchitis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.chronic_bronchitis. A well-formatted chronic bronchitis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Chronic Glomerulonephritis

Chronic Glomerulonephritis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.chronic_glomerulonephritis. A well-formatted chronic glomerulonephritis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.chronic_kidney_disease. A well-formatted chronic kidney disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Circulatory Surgery

Circulatory Surgery is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.circulatory_surgery. A well-formatted circulatory surgery object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Cirrhosis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.cirrhosis. A well-formatted cirrhosis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Coma is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.coma. A well-formatted coma object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.congestive_heart_failure. A well-formatted congestive heart failure object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.cystic_fibrosis. A well-formatted cystic fibrosis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Defibrillator Req

Defibrillator Req is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.defibrillator_req. A well-formatted defibrillator req object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Dementia is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.dementia. A well-formatted dementia object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Dialysis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.dialysis. A well-formatted dialysis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

End Stage Liver Disease

End Stage Liver Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.end_stage_liver_disease. A well-formatted end stage liver disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Heart Surgery

Heart Surgery is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.heart_surgery. A well-formatted heart surgery object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Hiv is represented as an object at A well-formatted hiv object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Huntington's Disease

Huntington's Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.huntingtons_disease. A well-formatted huntington's disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Ketoacidosis is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.ketoacidosis. A well-formatted ketoacidosis object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.kidney_failure. A well-formatted kidney failure object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Lou Gehrig's Disease

Lou Gehrig's Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.lou_gehrigs_disease. A well-formatted lou gehrig's disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Lupus is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.lupus. A well-formatted lupus object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Leukemia is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.leukemia. A well-formatted leukemia object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string


Lymphoma is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.lymphoma. A well-formatted lymphoma object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string

Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.muscular_dystrophy. A well-formatted muscular dystrophy object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Myeloma is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.myeloma. A well-formatted myeloma object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
grade integer
stage integer
detail string

O2 Assist

O2 Assist is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.o2_assist. A well-formatted o2 assist object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Other Kidney Disease

Other Kidney Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.other_kidney_disease. A well-formatted other kidney disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Other Liver Disease

Other Liver Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.other_liver_disease. A well-formatted other liver disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.polycystic_kidney_disease. A well-formatted polycystic kidney disease object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string


Schizophrenia is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.schizophrenia. A well-formatted schizophrenia object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.sickle_cell_anemia. A well-formatted sickle cell anemia object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Terminal Condition

Terminal Condition is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.terminal_condition. A well-formatted terminal condition object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Transient Ischemic Attack

Transient Ischemic Attack is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.transient_ischemic_attack. A well-formatted transient ischemic attack object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
treatment_type string
detail string

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.bp. A well-formatted blood pressure object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
systolic integer Note
Allowed values: 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249
diastolic integer Note
Allowed values: 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179
control_start date
detail string


Cholesterol is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.cholesterol. A well-formatted cholesterol object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
relationship_type_id integer See Relationship Type
date date
onset_age integer
death_age integer
ever_treated boolean
currently_treating boolean
last_treatment date
date date
level integer Note
Allowed values: 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299
hdl float Note
Allowed values: 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9
control_start date
detail string


Crime is represented as an array of crime objects at consumer.health_info.crimes. A well-formatted crime object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
pending boolean
felony boolean
probation_end date
date date
detail string

Moving Violation

Moving Violation is represented as an array of moving violation objects at consumer.health_info.moving_violations. A well-formatted moving violation object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
accident boolean
date date
dl_suspension boolean
dl_suspension_end date
dui_dwi boolean
reckless_driving boolean
detail string

Hazardous Avocation

Hazardous Avocation is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.hazardous_avocation. A well-formatted hazardous avocation object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
aeronautics boolean
aeronautics_hang_gliding boolean
aeronautics_sky_diving boolean
aeronautics_parachuting boolean
aeronautics_ballooning boolean
aeronautics_other boolean
military boolean
racing boolean
racing_car boolean
racing_motorcycle boolean
racing_boat boolean
racing_other boolean
scuba_skin_diving boolean
scuba_skin_diving_lte_75_ft boolean
scuba_skin_diving_gt_75_ft boolean
climbing_hiking boolean
climbing_hiking_trail boolean
climbing_hiking_mountain boolean
climbing_hiking_rock boolean
flying boolean
flying_non_pilot_crew boolean
flying_student_pilot boolean
flying_private_pilot boolean
flying_private_pilot_lt_50_h boolean
flying_private_pilot_50_to_250 boolean
flying_private_pilot_gt_250_h boolean
flying_private_pilot_lt_100_solo_h boolean
flying_commercial_pilot boolean
flying_corporate_pilot boolean
flying_military_pilot boolean
flying_test_pilot boolean
flying_flight_instructor boolean
flying_other boolean
detail string

Foreign Travel

Foreign Travel is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.foreign_travel. A well-formatted foreign travel object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
when string
duration string
country_id integer See Birth Country & Foreign Travel ID
country_detail string
detail string


Tobacco is represented as an object at consumer.health_info.tobacco. A well-formatted tobacco object contains the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
true boolean
type_id integer See Health Condition Type
cigarettes_current boolean
cigarettes_per_day integer
cigarette_last date
cigars_current boolean
cigars_per_month integer
cigar_last date
nicotine_patch_or_gum_current boolean
nicotine_patch_or_gum_last date
pipe_current boolean
pipes_per_year integer
pipe_last date
chewed_current boolean
chewed_last date
detail string

Relatives' Disease

A well-formed relatives disease object has the following fields:

Key Primitive Data Type Format Default Value Required? Note
basal_cell_carcinoma boolean
breast_cancer boolean
cardiovascular_disease boolean
cardiovascular_impairments boolean
cerebrovascular_disease boolean
colon_cancer boolean
coronary_artery_disease boolean
diabetes boolean
intestinal_cancer boolean
kidney_disease boolean
malignant_melanoma boolean
other_internal_cancer boolean
ovarian_cancer boolean
prostate_cancer boolean
age_of_contraction integer
age_of_death integer
parent boolean

Back to top

Example with Commonly Used Fields

Below, you will find a properly formatted example including commonly used fields.

Note: In this example, we used marital_status_name instead of the recommended marital_status_id. ID is preferred, but if your application can't control its output, Insureio may be able to accept a name rather than a code in some instances, like for marital status. Please contact your brokerage manager or Insureio support for further assistance.

  "consumer": {
    "birth_or_trust_date": "1957-05-20",
    "occupation": "Ceo/Principal",
    "emails_attributes": [
          "value": " "
      "addresses_attributes": [
          "street": "123 Fake St.",
          "city": "Racoon City",
          "zip": "94610",
          "state_id": 11,
          "address_type_id": 2
      "phones_attributes": [
          "phone_type_id": 1,
          "value": "8889997777"
          "phone_type_id": 2,
          "value": "1112223333"
    "lead_type": "EZL",
    "tags_attributes": [
        "source_user=Leon Kennedy",

    "birth_country_id": "1",
    "birth_country_custom_name": "United States",
    "birth_state_id": "California",
    "gender": "Female",
    "full_name": "Cindy Redfern",
    "health_info_attributes": {
      "weight": 150,
      "inches": 6,
      "feet": 5
    "cases_attributes": [
          "sales_stage_id": 1,
          "duration_id": 1,
          "product_type_name": "Term",
          "face_amount": "1000000",
          "health_class_id": 1,
          "carrier_health_class": "Preferred Plus Non-Smoker",
          "premium_mode_id": 1,
          "carrier_id": 2,
          "planned_modal_premium": "1340.0"
          "sales_stage_id": 4,
          "duration_id": 1,
          "product_type_name": "Term",
          "face_amount": "1000000",
          "health_class_id": 1,
          "premium_mode_id": 1,
          "carrier_id": 2,
          "planned_modal_premium": "1340.0"
        "product_type_name": "Term",
    "full_name": "Claire Smith",
    "brand_id": 31

Full Example with All Fields

Below, you'll find a full example with all fields.

  "consumer": {
    "agent_id": 1,
    "birth_or_trust_date": "1963-09-19",
    "birth_country_id": "1",
    "birth_country_custom_name": "United States",
    "birth_state_id": "Texas",
    "cases_attributes": [{
      "agent_id": 2,
      "commission_splits_attributes": [
        {"user_id": 34, "percentage": 38},
        {"user_id": 28, "percentage": 16}
      "stakeholder_relationships_attributes": [{
        "relationship_type_id": 1,
        "is_beneficiary": true,
        "percentage": 29,
        "contingent": true,
        "stakeholder_attributes": {
          "full_name": "Sarah Conner",
          "birth_or_trust_date": "2013-07-23",
          "title": "The title goes here",
          "genre_id": 2,
          "trustee_name": "A relative",
          "ssn": "1234566789",
          "gender": false,
          "addresses_attributes": [{
            "address_type_id": 1,
            "city": "Dallas",
            "state_id": 45,
            "street": "1234 Parkview Drive",
            "zip": "75201"
      "bind": true,
      "business_insurance": true,
      "duration_id": 1,
      "collateral_assignment": true,
      "connection_id": 1,
      "created_at": "2012-09-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "cross_sell": true,
      "effective_date": "2012-09-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "equal_share_contingent_bens": true,
      "equal_share_primary_bens": true,
      "esign": true,
      "exam_company": "An Exam Company",
      "exam_completed": true,
      "exam_num": "1234",
      "exam_status": "An Exam Status",
      "exam_time": "2013-09-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "ezl_id": 123,
      "face_amount": 1234,
      "ipo": true,
      "notes_attributes": [{
        "confidential": true,
        "critical": false,
        "text": "This is a great case."
      "owner_id": 123,
      "packet": true,
      "policy_number": "fadsfasd",
      "policy_period_expiration": "2013-09-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "policy_type_name": "A policy type",
      "premium_payer_id": 123,
      "product_type_id": 3,
      "product_type_name": "Whole Life",
      "purpose_id": 1,
      "purpose_type_id": 1,
      "quoted_at": "2013-09-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "reason": "Some valid reason",
      "replaced_by_id": 123,
      "replacing": true,
      "sales_stage_id": 1,
      "sent_to_igo": "2013-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "stage": 123,
      "submitted_qualified": 123,
      "termination_date": "2013-09-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "underwriter_assist": true,
      "up_sell": 1,
      "updated_at": "2013-09-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "xrae_case_id": "1",
      "is_a_preexisting_policy": true,
      "product_type_name": "Whole Life"
    "citizenship_id": 1,
    "addresses_attributes": [{
      "street": "123 Sesame Street",
      "city": "Townsville",
      "state_id": 41,
      "zip": "99999"
    "emails_attributes": [{
      "value": ""
    "phones_attributes": [{
      "phone_type_id": 2,
      "value": "2222222222"
    }, {
      "phone_type_id": 4,
      "value": "2341234453"
    }, {
      "phone_type_id": 1,
      "value": "2111111111"
    "company": "Bigcorp",
    "gov_id_state_id": "36",
    "gov_id_expiration": "2013-09-14T00:00:00-07:00",
    "gov_id": "test this",
    "financial_info_attributes": {
      "annual_income": 50000,
      "asset_checking": 2000,
      "asset_earned_income": 40000,
      "asset_home_equity": 100000,
      "asset_investments": 24000,
      "asset_life_insurance": 100000,
      "asset_pension": 35000,
      "asset_real_estate": 2500000,
      "asset_retirement": 30000,
      "asset_savings": 23000,
      "asset_unearned_income": 10000,
      "assets": 10000.00,
      "assumed_inflation_rate": 0.04,
      "assumed_interest_rate": 0.06,
      "bankruptcy": "2012-12-08",
      "bankruptcy_discharged": "2012-12-09",
      "liability_auto": 20000,
      "liability_credit": 50000,
      "liability_education": 10000,
      "liability_final_expense": 0,
      "liability_heloc": 50000,
      "liability_mortgage_1": 100000,
      "liability_mortgage_2": 100000,
      "liability_other": 0,
      "liability_personal_loans": 10000,
      "liability_student_loans": 5000,
      "liability_years_income_needed": 5,
      "liabilities": 200000,
      "net_worth_specified": 230000,
      "net_worth_use_specified": true,
      "spouse_income": 50000,
      "spouse_marginal_tax_rate": 0.12,
      "spouse_retirement": "2020-12-31"
    "full_name": "Kim Hwa",
    "gender": "Male",
    "health_info_attributes": {
      "alcohol_abuse": false,
      "anxiety": true,
      "asthma": true,
      "atrial_fibrillations": false,
      "bp": yes,
      "bp_control_start": "2007-03-04",
      "bp_diastolic": 201,
      "bp_last_treatment": "2015-03-03",
      "bp_systolic": 101,
      "breast_cancer": false,
      "cholesterol": yes,
      "cholesterol_last_treatment": "2015-03-03",
      "cholesterol_level": 230;
      "cholesterol_control_start": "2009-02-02",
      "cholesterol_hdl": 101,
      "copd": false,
      "criminal": false,
      "crohns": false,
      "depression": false,
      "diabetes_1": false,
      "diabetes_2": false,
      "diabetes_neuropathy": false,
      "elft": false,
      "emphysema": false,
      "epilepsy": false,
      "relatives_diseases": [{
        "basal_cell_carcinoma": false,
        "breast_cancer": false,
        "cardiovascular_disease": false,
        "cardiovascular_impairments": false,
        "cerebrovascular_disease": false,
        "colon_cancer": false,
        "coronary_artery_disease": false,
        "diabetes": false,
        "intestinal_cancer": false,
        "kidney_disease": false,
        "malignant_melanoma": false,
        "other_internal_cancer": false,
        "ovarian_cancer": false,
        "prostate_cancer": true,
        "age_of_contraction": 67,
        "age_of_death": 90,
        "parent": false
      "feet": 7,
      "foreign_travel": false,
      "gender": true,
      "hazardous_avocation": false,
      "hazardous_avocation_detail": "A student of life",
      "health_history_attributes": {
      "heart_attack": false,
      "heart_murmur_valve_disorder": false,
      "hepatitis_c": false,
      "inches": 8,
      "internal_cancer": false,
      "irregular_heart_beat": false,
      "mental_illness": false,
      "moving_violations": [{
        "date": "2015-02-09",
        "accident": false,
        "dl_suspension": true,
        "dl_suspension_end": "2198-01-01",
        "reckless_driving": false,
        "dui_dwi": true
      "parkinsons": false,
      "penultimate_car_accident": "2015-02-23",
      "prostate_cancer": false,
      "rheumatoid_arthritis": false,
      "sleep_apnea": false,
      "skin_cancer": false,
      "stroke": false,
      "tobacco": true,
      "tobacco_chewed_current": false,
      "tobacco_chewed_last": "2012-08-23",
      "tobacco_cigar_last": "2012-02-04",
      "tobacco_cigars_current": false,
      "tobacco_cigarette_last": "2012-12-12",
      "tobacco_cigarettes_current": true,
      "tobacco_nicotine_patch_or_gum_current": true,
      "tobacco_nicotine_patch_or_gum_last": "2012-02-02",
      "tobacco_pipe_current": false,
      "tobacco_pipe_last": "2010-02-02",
      "tobacco_pipes_per_year": 0,
      "ulcerative_colitis_iletis": false,
      "vascular_disease": false,
      "weight": 200,
      "weight_loss_surgery": false
    "ip_address": "",
    "lead_type": "CLU",
    "marital_status_name": "Single",
    "nickname": "K",
    "notes_attributes": [{
      "confidential": true,
      "critical": false,
      "text": "This guy is a great lead."
    "occupation": "My Job",
    "brand_id": 30,
    "referrer": "Joe Referrer",
    "salutation": "you there",
    "source": "Joe Source",
    "ssn": "123121234",
    "tags_attributes": [{
    "years_at_address": 834

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This section describes the success and failure responses.


A 201 response with a json body. For faster turnaround, you can limit the scope of the data in the json response by including a parameter named response in the top-level object of your POST data.

  • response=empty results in a response body consisting of an empty json object.
  • response=short results in a response body whose json object describes only the primary contact information for the consumer whose case you submitted in your request.
  • response=medium results in a response body whose json object describes the consumer record of the consumer whose case you submitted in your request (i.e. no associated records, like contact, shall be included).

Sample successful response

    "agent_id": 2,
    "anniversary": null,
    "birth_or_trust_date": "1963-09-19",
    "birth_country_id": "1",
    "birth_country_custom_name": "United States",
    "birth_state_id": 45,
    "case_manager_name": null,
    "cases": [
            "agent_id": 2,
            "approved": false,
            "approved_details_id": null,
            "bind": null,
            "business_insurance": false,
            "duration_id": 1,
            "collateral_assignment": false,
            "connection_id": 11309,
            "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
            "cross_sell": null,
            "effective_date": null,
            "equal_share_contingent_bens": null,
            "equal_share_primary_bens": null,
            "esign": true,
            "exam_company": null,
            "exam_completed": false,
            "exam_num": null,
            "exam_status": null,
            "exam_time": null,
            "ezl_id": null,
            "face_amount": null,
            "id": 10915,
            "is_a_preexisting_policy": true,
            "ipo": null,
            "owner_id": null,
            "packet": null,
            "placed": false,
            "policy_number": "fadsfasd",
            "policy_period_expiration": "2013-09-23",
            "policy_type_name": null,
            "premium_payer_id": null,
            "product_type_id": 3,
            "purpose_id": null,
            "purpose_type_id": null,
            "quoted_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
            "quoting_details": {
                "x1035_amt": 0,
                "carrier_health_class": "car heal clas q",
                "carrier_id": null,
                "case_id": null,
                "duration_id": 1,
                "connection_id": null,
                "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "face_amount": 3000000,
                "health_class_id": null,
                "id": 19145,
                "illustration_content_type": null,
                "illustration_file_name": null,
                "illustration_file_size": null,
                "illustration_updated_at": null,
                "plan_name": null,
                "planned_modal_premium": "4800.0",
                "policy_type_id": 3,
                "premium_mode_id": 4,
                "quarterly_premium": false,
                "quote_param_dyn_id": null,
                "sales_stage_id": 1,
                "semiannual_premium": false,
                "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "user_id": null
            "reason": null,
            "replaced_by_id": null,
            "replacing": null,
            "sent": false,
            "sent_to_igo": null,
            "stage": 0,
            "status_type_id": 24316,
            "submitted": false,
            "submitted_details_id": 19144,
            "submitted_qualified": null,
            "termination_date": null,
            "underwriter_assist": true,
            "up_sell": 1,
            "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
            "xrae_case_id": null
    "citizenship_id": 1,
    "completed_application": null,
    "completed_basic": null,
    "completed_compare": null,
    "completed_discovery": null,
    "completed_financial": null,
    "completed_underwriting": null,
    "addresses": [
                "address_type_id": null,
                "city": "Ci",
                "contact_id": 9031,
                "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "id": 86180,
                "state_id": 41,
                "street": "street address\ncity, AL 99999",
                "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "zip": "12344"
        "city": "Ci",
        "company": "Bigcorp",
        "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
        "emails": [
                "contact_id": 9031,
                "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "id": 11786,
                "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "value": ""
        "full_name": "Kim150604- Hwa",
        "id": 9031,
        "owner_id": 2,
        "owner_name": "Markham A Anderson",
        "person_id": 11309,
        "person_type": "Crm::Connection",
        "phones": [
                "contact_id": 9031,
                "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "ext": null,
                "id": 8650,
                "phone_type_id": 1,
                "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "value": "2111111111"
                "contact_id": 9031,
                "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "ext": "234",
                "id": 8651,
                "phone_type_id": 2,
                "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "value": "2222222222"
                "contact_id": 9031,
                "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "ext": null,
                "id": 8652,
                "phone_type_id": 4,
                "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
                "value": "2341234453"
        "preferred_contact_method_id": null,
        "preferred_contact_time": null,
        "primary_address_id": 86180,
        "primary_address_string": "street address\ncity, AL 99999\nCi, RI 12344",
        "primary_email_id": 11786,
        "primary_email_string": "",
        "primary_phone_id": 8650,
        "primary_phone_string": "H: 211-111-1111",
        "brand_id": 30,
        "role": null,
        "state_abbrev": "RI",
        "state_id": 41,
        "tenant_name": null,
        "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
        "zip": "12344"
    "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
    "gov_id_type_id": 1,
    "gov_id_expiration": "2013-09-14",
    "gov_id_state_id": 36,
    "email_send_failed": null,
    "encrypted_gov_id": "[FILTERED]",
    "encrypted_ssn": "[FILTERED]",
    "financial_info": {
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        "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:22-07:00",
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        "liability_student_loans": null,
        "liability_years_income_needed": null,
        "net_worth_specified": 999000,
        "net_worth_use_specified": true,
        "spouse_income": null,
        "spouse_marginal_tax_rate": null,
        "spouse_retirement": null,
        "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00"
    "financial_info_id": 3412,
    "gender": true,
    "health_completed": true,
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        "bp_diastolic": null,
        "bp_last_treatment": null,
        "bp_systolic": null,
        "cholesterol": null,
        "cholesterol_control_start": null,
        "cigarettes_current": null,
        "cholesterol_hdl": null,
        "cholesterol_last_treatment": null,
        "created_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
        "criminal": null,
        "criminal_detail": null,
        "feet": 7,
        "foreign_travel": false,
        "foreign_travel_country_detail": null,
        "foreign_travel_country_id": null,
        "foreign_travel_when": null,
        "gender": null,
        "hazardous_avocation": null,
        "hazardous_avocation_detail": null,
        "health_history_id": null,
        "id": 10237,
        "inches": 8,
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        "tobacco": true,
        "tobacco_chewed_current": null,
        "tobacco_chewed_last": null,
        "tobacco_cigarette_last": null,
        "tobacco_cigarettes_per_day": null,
        "tobacco_cigars_current": null,
        "tobacco_cigar_last": null,
        "tobacco_nicotine_patch_or_gum_current": null,
        "tobacco_nicotine_patch_or_gum_last": null,
        "tobacco_pipe_current": null,
        "tobacco_pipe_last": null,
        "tobacco_pipes_per_year": 0,
        "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
        "weight": 1
    "health_info_id": 10237,
    "id": 11309,
    "ip_address": "",
    "last_applied_for_life_ins_date": null,
    "last_applied_for_life_ins_outcome_id": null,
    "last_contacted": null,
    "lead_type": "clu",
    "marital_status_id": 1,
    "marketing_unsubscribe": null,
    "nickname": "K",
    "note": null,
    "occupation": "My Job",
    "personal_completed": false,
    "physician_name": null,
    "primary_contact_relationship_id": null,
    "product_cat_id": null,
    "product_type_id": null,
    "brand_id": 30,
    "referrer": null,
    "relationship_to_agent": null,
    "relationship_to_agent_start": null,
    "salutation": "you there",
    "saved_quotes": [],
    "source": null,
    "status_unsubscribe": null,
    "suffix": null,
    "tags": {
        "additions": [],
        "deletions": [],
        "hash": {
    "test_lead": false,
    "title": null,
    "total_life_coverage_in_force": null,
    "updated_at": "2015-06-04T07:43:23-07:00",
    "years_at_address": 834.0


A failure is any response other than 201. In most cases, this will be a 406, and the response body will be a json object which describes a problem with the request data.

Sample failure response

{"brand":["Every consumer must be attached to a brand."]}

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You can learn more about how the lead import fields and reporting work together in the Reporting section of the Academy.

You can also find additional API documentation here:

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