Marketing Tags: Best Practices

Marketing tags can help you track information about recruits and consumers. Common uses include noting health conditions, financial conditions, avocation details, or other details that might be helpful for reporting and marketing purposes. This article will give you some tips and best practices to make tags effective and easy to use.

Best Practices

Before we get started, keep in mind that Insurieo's marketing tags are case-insensitive. If you enter a tag as "Smoker," for example, you'll see it displayed in the system as "smoker." No need to worry about capitalization when creating your prefixes and commonly used tags!

  • Be consistent. Because you can run reports on tags and use those reports to send marketing messages to consumers or recruits with that tag, your tags need to be consistent. If you use "diabetic" and "diabetes" interchangeably, for example, and you run a report on consumers with the tag "diabetic," the resulting list won't include those tagged with "diabetes." If you manage a downline, consistency is even more important for organization-wide reporting and marketing purposes.
  • Use prefixes. To help ensure consistency in tag naming, we suggest using five common prefixes: marketing, health, avocation, lifestyle, and financial. To add specific details after a prefix, connect them with a dash, like in the examples below. The advantage? Consider the case of tagging a smoker. Would you use the tag "smoker," "smkr," or "tobacco"? If you used either "smoker" or "smkr" and later went to create a report for marketing purposes, Insureio would present you with all matching tags once you started typing. If you typed in "sm," the system would show you both matching results. But what if you'd used "smoker" for some consumers and "tobacco" for others? Because the spelling is so different, you wouldn't see one in the automated suggestions when searching for the other. Prefixes solve that problem. Just type the appropriate tag prefix ("health") when building a tag-based report, then select the relevant tag from Insureio's suggestions without having to remember which specific word you used. Samples:
    • marketing-life insurance prospect
    • marketing-married w/children
    • health-diabetes
    • health-depression
    • avocation-pilot
    • avocation-auto racing
    • lifestyle-bankruptcy
    • lifestyle-license suspended/revoked
    • financial-high net worth
    • financial-income $100k-$250k
  • Use Your Common Tags. If you plan on using a tag more than once, add it to Your Common Tags. This makes your tags easier to access and keeps you consistent in your tag naming conventions. Access your common tags in the Marketing section from your left-hand main menu. Type a new tag into the text box and hit enter to save it. The next time you're in a consumer or recruit profile and click the "+Add Tag" button, you'll be taken straight to the Marketing tab, with a clickable list of Your Common Tags. Apply one to that consumer with a single click. For more information, check out our article on Your Common Tags.
  • Add tags via multiple methods. If you use Insureio's quoting widget, lead import functionality, or CSV upload, you can import tags automatically. This ensures your tagging stays consistent, no matter where you acquired the lead.
    • Quoting Widget. You can add a tag in the Advanced Features section of the widget builder. Click here for more information on using the quoting widget. Click here for advanced tracking using the quoting widget.
    • Lead import API. In the API, marketing tags are represented by key:value pairs. You can use as many tags as you like per contact record. They can be attached to each record by specifying tags in your consumer.tags_attributes array. Tags are joined together in a query string using an ampersand between the tags. For a full explanation (with examples), click here.
    • CSV Upload. You can manually add as many columns for tags as you like to your CSV (or our starter templates). Just navigate to the first empty column in your spreadsheet, then type or paste this label into that column's header: tag1. Enter a single-word or multi-word tag. You will then be able to run reports on all contacts/clients who have a particular tag once your CSV has been uploaded and processed. Want to enter more than one tag? Add a column and change the number in the column header: tag2, tag3, etc. For more information on the CSV upload process, click here.