Underwriting Guides & Table Shave Programs
Located in the Resource Library, the Underwriting Resources tab offers links to carrier underwriting guides and table shave programs to help you provide more accurate quotes and carrier recommendations for clients and prospects.
How to Access the Underwriting Resources
Hover your mouse over Resource Library and click Underwriting Resources in your left-hand main menu.

The first tab contains four columns: Underwriting Guides, Table Shave & Crediting, Additional Resources, and Foreign Nationals.

Underwriting Guides
Each carrier has their own underwriting guidelines and niches. In this section, you'll find published guides from many of the carriers available through the Insureio process. For more in-depth underwriting help or case-specific advice, please use the XRAE health screening tool or contact the Insureio underwriting team. Please note: underwriting guides are subject to change without notice. For agent use only. The information in these guides does not consist of an offer for life insurance.
Insureio currently contains carrier guides from:
- Accordia
- Allianz
- American General
- American National
- Assurity
- Banner
- Brighthouse
- Cincinnati Life
- Fidelity
- Foresters
- Genworth (LTC)
- John Hancock
- Lincoln Financial
- Mass Mutual
- Encova Life
- Mutual of Omaha
- Nationwide
- North American
- Pacific Life
- Principal
- Protective
- Prudential
- Sagicor
- Securian
- Symetra
- Transamerica
- United Home Life
- Voya
- Zurich
Table Shave Programs
Table shave and underwriting credit programs can allow clients with adverse health histories and conditions that would normally be rated sub-standard to obtain standard or better rates. Please note: underwriting guides are subject to change without notice. For agent use only. The information in these guides does not consist of an offer for life insurance.
The Insureio system currently contains these table shave program guides:
- Accordia Life Credits
- Allianz - Lifestyle Credits Program
- American General: Healthy Standard Program Guide, Healthy Credits Program Guide, Better Choice Preferred Program Guide
- American National: Precision Credit Underwriting Program
- AXA Step Program
- Brighthouse Enhanced Rate Plus
- John Hancock: HealthyEdge
- Lincoln Financial: Table Reduction Program Guide
- Mutual of Omaha: Fit Test Guide
- Nationwide: Wellness Credit Program Guide
- Principal: Automatic Standard Approval Program
- SBLI: Health Credits Program
- Securian: Mortality Credits Guide
- Symetra: GoodLife Rewards Program Guide
- Transamerica: Transcend Program Guide
- Zurich: Table Reduction Program, One Class Upgrade Program
Additional Resources
Depending on the carrier, we may have additional resources to share with you about exam prep for clients, or other underwriting information. Please note: underwriting guides are subject to change without notice. For agent use only. The information in these guides does not consist of an offer for life insurance.
The Insureio system currently contains these additional resources:
- American General: Underwriting Playbook, Preparing for a Life Insurance Exam
- Brighthouse: Guaranteed Level Term Producer Guide, One Year Term Producer Guide, PAUL - BGA Checklist, PAUL - Client Brochure, PAUL - Producer Guide, PAUL - Pre-Qualification Checklist
- Cincinnati Life: Tobacco Classification Guide
- Genworth: Quick Reference Guide
- John Hancock: Capacity Guidelines, Routine Requirements
- Lincoln Financial: Age & Amount Grid, Best Practices & Helpful Hints, Leading-Edge Underwriting: EKG, Financial & Medical Underwriting Enhancements, MoneyGuard Pre-Qualifying Tool
- Mutual of Omaha: LTC Rider Information and Guide
- Nationwide: Guidelines for Farm & Ranch Clients, BGA Quick Reference Guide, CareMatters PHI Expectations - NY, CareMatters Simplified Underwriting, CareMatters Simplified Underwriting - NY
- Principal: Advisor Application Requirements, Charitable Giving, Customer Routine Requirements, Expanded Capacity
- Protective: Build Chart
- Prudential: PruFast Track Flyer, What to Expect - Interview & Medical Exam
- SBLI: Accelerated Underwriting Guidelines
- Symetra: Preferred Cancer Program
Foreign Nationals
Depending on the carrier, we may have additional resources on underwriting for foreign nationals. Please note: underwriting guides are subject to change without notice. For agent use only. The information in these guides does not consist of an offer for life insurance.
The Insureio system currently contains resources on foreign nationals for these carriers:
- Allianz
- American General
- Brighthouse
- Cincinnati Life
- John Hancock
- Lincoln Financial
- Principal
- Prudential
- Symetra
- Transamerica