App Ticket Lead Import

Looking to post leads to Insureio that will be submitted to our Application Fulfillment partners? If so, this page has an example to help you set up your lead posting. Your post will need to make use of Insureio's data codes for items like state and country IDs, so be sure you bookmark this page with all the relevant codes. In most cases, the birth_country field will be set to "1" (U.S.).

For full documentation on the lead posting process, check out this page.

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Tips & Tricks
Sample Post

Tips & Tricks


In Insureio, stakeholders are the people with a stated role in a policy - beneficiaries, payers, and owners. If you have multiple stakeholders, you need to replicate the entire "stakeholder_relationships_attributes" and related nestings (phone, email, etc.) for each party. For example, if you have one (1) Primary Beneficiary and one (1) Contingent Beneficiary, you must have have two (2) "stakeholder_relationships_attributes" with related data. Also:

(a) For the Contingent Beneficiary, the "contingent": value must be set to "true."
(b) The beneficiary percentage must equal 100 regardless of the number of beneficiaries.
(c) If you have Primary and Contingent Beneficiaries, the percentage values for each type must equal 100 (i.e., primaries add up to 100%, and contingents add up to 100%).
(d) You can only have one (1) Owner regardless of the number of Beneficiaries.
(e) You can only have one (1) Payer regardless of the number of Beneficiaries.
(f) A Payer or Owner does NOT need to be a Beneficiary.

Sample Post

Take a look at the sample app ticket post below. We've added some highlights with helpful notes - use the scroll bar at the bottom of the sample if the notes are wider than your screen.

(a) Fields highlighted in green are required.
(b) Fields highlighted in yellow are optional, but make it easier for our app fulfillment partners to process.
(c) Helpful comments are highlighted in gray.

  "agent_id": "17962",
  "key": "94f67e4b10ca1f5df320b01a0fbfc511",
  "consumer": {
       "brand_id": "18791",
       "agent_id": "17962",
       "lead_type": "api submission - full ticket",
       "referrer": "Affiliate Partner", These four fields provide tracking data
       "source": "Volume Life",
       "quoter_url": "",
       "ip_address": "",
       "full_name": "Testing Pinney",
       "gender": "Male",
       "birth_or_trust_date": "05/19/1983",
       "feet": 5,
       "inches": 5,
       "weight": 210,
       "tobacco": true,
       "birth_country": 1, Be sure you're using an ID, not a name - 1 is U.S.; click here for the full list of codes
       "birth_state_id": 52,
       "citizenship_id": 1,
       "ssn": "091888262",
       "dln": "98756432",
       "dl_state_name": "NY",
       "occupation": "Janitor",
       "company": "Volume",
       "preferred_contact_method_id": 1,
       "preferred_contact_time": "morning",
       "relationship_to_agent": "just met",
       "relationship_to_agent_start": "01/17/2018",
       "phones_attributes": [{
            "phone_type_id": 1,
            "value": "5162542242"
      "addresses_attributes": [{
            "street": "2620 Peconic avw",
            "city": "Seaford",
            "state_id": 52,
            "zip": "11783",
      "emails_attributes": [{
           "value": ""
      "financial_info_attributes": {
           "annual_income": 100000,
           "net_worth_specified": 200000,
      "notes_attributes": [{
           "confidential": false, Set to "false" if app fulfillment needs to see the note
           "note_type_id": 1,
           "text": "I believe that we will win"
      "cases_attributes": [{
           "quoting_details_attributes": [{
                     "category_id": "1",
                     "product_type_name": "Term",
                     "plan_name": "OPTerm - 10",
                     "annual_premium": "1200",
                     "face_amount": "1000000",No commas for correct formatting
                     "health_class_id": 3, Be sure you're passing an ID, not a name. Click here for codes.
                     "premium_mode_name": "Monthly",
                     "carrier_id": "39",
                     "planned_modal_premium": "123.50"
           "bind": true,
           "status_type_id": 307,
           "stakeholder_relationships_attributes": [{
                     "relationship_type_id": 1,
                     "percentage": 100,
                     "contingent": "false",
                     "is_owner": "true", Only required if the stakeholder will own the policy, otherwise the consumer/insured is the default owner
                     "is_payer": "true", Only required if the stakeholder will pay for the policy, otherwise the consumer/insured is the default owner
                     "stakeholder_attributes": {
                              "full_name": "Corgi Helle",
                              "birth_or_trust_date": "07/15/1993",
                              "entity_type_id": 2,
                              "trustee_name": "Sally Smith", Only required if the stakeholder is a Trust/Business (for Business, this ends up being displayed as the Business Name)
                              "ssn": "092882727",
                              "gender": "Male",
                              "addresses_attributes": [{
                                        "address_type_id": 1,
                                        "street": "2215 Jeffrey Dr",
                                        "city": "Bellmore",
                                        "state_id": 52,
                                        "zip": "11710"
                              "emails_attributes": [{ Only required if the stakeholder will pay for the policy or be the owner
                                        "value": ""
                              "phones_attributes": [{ Only required if the stakeholder will pay for the policy or be the owner
                                        "phone_type_id": 1,
                                        "value": "5162542242"